Stars Wars character mixed with a Maori inspired tattoo.

An amazing effort to cross a culture with Sci – Fi, and to the artist Daniel Logan of using a Star Wars character as the center piece. Striking Maori Ta Moko covers the helmet and the inserts for the eyes are paua or commonly know as abalone. The Stormtrooper Helmet made by Daniel Logan for the 501st TK Project — a charity event for the Make A Wish Foundation to create one of a kind stormtrooper helmets.

About thematerialsleuth

I work in the digital industry and this blog is an outlet for things that I admire whether its design, interior, graphic, fashion, styling, industrial, architecture, art, illustration, music or other bloggers etc. I constantly search for different artists who do not grab the media attention or have high profiles brand ambassadors pushing their products.


  1. Yanni

    Dude, seriously, that is AMAZING 🙂

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