Florence the vintage machine

Florence posses a voice that will pierce my memory forever it holds a lingering resonance tone that is so consuming it sweep you away. A very soulful entity that overtakes your senses a captivating revelation that would suit any form of conversation at dinner, bar, pub whatever the occasion. Interesting personality that is very diverse in her thoughts, music and lifestyle. Her theatrical performance on stage as a artist she is able to transcend that magic into the way she dresses whether it be an expensive gown, vintage attire, hats, scarfs she carries herself very well. An incredible ball of energy a role model for all to learn from if it’s not the music or the voice, fashion sense or Florence shear beauty and amazing personality that is sure to leave a impact on your memory for a long time to come. +thematerialsleuth+


Let’s talk about magic. Because music, at its best, is a kind of magic that lifts you up and takes you somewhere else. “I want my music to sound like throwing yourself out of a tree, or off a tall building, or as if you’re being sucked down into the ocean and you can’t breathe,” says Florence Welch. “It’s something overwhelming and all-encompassing that fills you up, and you’re either going to explode with it, or you’re just going to disappear.”

Credit images: Vogue.com, Street Peeper, Newstra.com,Hypertrak,nme.uk, trendland


About thematerialsleuth

I work in the digital industry and this blog is an outlet for things that I admire whether its design, interior, graphic, fashion, styling, industrial, architecture, art, illustration, music or other bloggers etc. I constantly search for different artists who do not grab the media attention or have high profiles brand ambassadors pushing their products.

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